Achilleus Ralli
Achilleus Ralli is one of the most accomplished Judoka's from Thailand. We caught up with him over lunch at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant to talk about the growth of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the region, the inaugural Siam Cup and life in Bangkok. BJJASIA: So...
Dorothy does Manila
Our intrepid, inverting, ladyboy midget is back on the road again and this time she has landed in Manila. Destination #2: Manila, Philippines Ah, the Philippines. The sweet land of Rodrigo Duterte, adobo, iconic surf breaks and these things: My friend Nico, a brown...
Budo Penang – Trip Report
I arrived slightly early to the dojo as it was a short, leisurely walk from my beach side hotel. Stopping along the way to appreciate an amazing sunset i had a sense that the the sky was on fire. Soon after realising this was not North Korea’s retaliation for being...
Tips for Recovering from a BJJ Injury
Unfortunately injuries are just part of the game. Hopefully they’ll be minor injuries and you’ll recover from them quickly, but regardless, getting back to training after recuperating from an injury is always a tricky business. Stephan Kesting of
Isshin Jiu Jitsu – BJJ Tokyo – Gym Report
Tokyo is the capital of Japan and hosts millions of tourists a year, coming to visit a sprawling metropolis so foreign to their own. Tokyo itself has a population of approximately 13.5 million people in its 23 prefectures with in my opinion, one of the best metro...
Cutting Weight for BJJ Competitions
A fashion blogger talks about how she cuts weight for a BJJ competition. Akikino Yamaguchi is a model, presenter, fashionista, blogger, rock star and now our BJJASIA nutritional correspondent. She is a Japanese Thai hybrid currently based in Bangkok and trains at...
Dorothy does Bangkok
The first in a series of travelogues by BJJASIA correspondent Dorothy Dao. Destination #0: San Francisco, California “Ma’am, are you okay?” The TSA agent at San Francisco International Airport looks at me with concern. Who is this crying girl trying to get...
The Spirit of Jiu Jitsu
In 2013 Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood joined with filmmaker Stuart Cooper to create the ‘Spirit of Jiu Jitsu’, a short-film about the BJJ lifestyle that was shot in Phuket, Thailand. Since then it has garnered over six hundred thousand views and remains one of the most iconic...
Trifecta Martial Arts – BJJ Singapore – Trip Report
BJJ Singapore Training Report by Nevash Nair With approximately 5.78 million people occupying a small island state, Singapore is one of the smallest countries in Asia. However, this tiny island south of Malaysia has become a hotbed for Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ)...
Nathan Orchard – Grappling with the Big Mango
Nathan Orchard is a 10th Planet Black Belt under Eddie Bravo and a successful MMA welterweight fighter. He has submitted such legends as Masakatsu Imanari and Barret Yoshida and has had some very attractive matches, most notably the inaugural EBI final against...
The Psychology of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Ever wondered about the psychological allure of Jiu Jitsu? David Ley (Phd) who is a clinical psychologist and brown belt in BJJ at Gracie Barra New Mexico delves deeper into the mental and subconscious aspects of the gentle art. His original article was featured on...
A Brief History of Jiu Jitsu
In order to fully understand Jiu-Jitsu, it is important to know where it came from. Nic Greoriades of the Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood provides a brief and concise history of the art we have all come to love....