The most comprehensive database of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gyms, competitions & seminars in Asia.
We have a comprehensive list of gyms of BJJ gyms across Asia categorised into cities

Here is the largest list of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms and academies in Asia, sorted by country.

Our branded products are created with the hope that wearing them will connect Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enthusiasts around the world.
Interviews and reports by the editors of BJJ ASIA
Aaliyan Khurram’s Unbelievable Journey to Become the World’s Youngest Fight Promoter
A Knockout Career The incredible path taken by Aaliyan Khurram from his early years in Bangkok to his current status as a well-known fight promoter and significant businessman is a testament to his drive, tenacity, and inventiveness. Aaliyan was raised in a...
Flow Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy
Go with the Flow Penang is a small state situated in the Northwest of Malaysia comprising mainland Bukit Mertajam and Penang Island. The combination of British colonial architecture and sandy beaches draws many visitors to this island each year, I on the other hand...
Hardianism | Hardian Kristiady – Building a submission grappling family
Hardian Kristiady is a Black Belt under Niko Han of Synergy BJJ and now leads the GF Team affiliate known as Hardianism in Indonesia. Along with his 2 sons Randolf and Verontino they lead a up and coming competitive team. BJJASIA: Can you kindly introduce yourself?...
BJJASIA is a regularly updated news and events portal providing the most comprehensive list of BJJ gyms and academies and a complete competition and seminar calendar in Asia.

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